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Create a Product

Learn how to create a product.



Creating a product is a crucial step in adding your physical inventory to the POS system. This process enables your business to manage inventory more efficiently and streamline checkout times. Creating a product involves several critical steps to ensure accurate and complete inventory data.

You must specify essential details such as the product name, SKU, and price. You can also add product images and descriptions to enhance customer understanding of your offerings.

By investing time in properly creating and managing your products, you'll improve the overall shopping experience and foster business growth.


Click on Products followed by Products

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Click the Create button to begin creating a new product.

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Start creating the product by adding the basic details required. Follow the below note to understand more about each Fields.

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Basic Details Fields: Product Name*: The name field requires the product name, such as Cadbury Fruit and Nut 3.5Oz. Primary Barcode*: The primary barcode serves as the unique identifier for the product. This field can be filled using numerical values, which can be inputted through a keyboard or scanned using a barcode scanner. Select Categories*: Select the pre added categories in which the products should be added. Could be multiple categories or just one. For more information on creating Categories visit below link.

Reward Points: Insert the number of points you want to give for each unit of product sold. *= Required

Inventory Management: Select Locations*: Select the locations where the product should be added. This is useful for maintaining inventory and product lists across multiple locations. SKU: SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit, Put the internal SKU here. In Stock Quantity*: This refers to the number of goods/units that are available on hand. Threshold: Threshold fields provide a minimum product limit. When the product quantity falls below this limit, you will receive a notification in your purchasing order as well as your inventory management email. Add Vendor Button*: This allows you to add a vendor from the vendor's list. This makes future ordering easy and quick. *= Required

Base Unit*: Select a base unit that will the product is bought in, example: Pallet, case etc.(to learn how to create units of measure click here)

Pricing: Base Unit cost: This field is to enter the unit cost of the product. Retail Price*: This field requires the sale price of the good to be sold, this is what ultimately will show up in the POS and the transactions further on. Reward Points: If you are running a reward program based on product points, then you can assign reward points for this item here. Select Taxes: Select the tax that applies from the pre-inserted taxes. *= Required
Additional Attributes Fields : Select Modifier Sets: This field can be used to write a description of the product to be sold. It is most commonly used when selling a product online. Used majorly by restaurants Age Verification: This feature allows you to add age restrictions to a product. This is particularly helpful for the sale of liquor and tobacco. Sold By Weight: If the scanner is connected to a scale, it will automatically retrieve the weight and calculate the price accordingly. If the scale is not available, you can manually input the weight. Exclude EBT: This allows you to exclude certain products to be paid by EBT method. Prompt Quantity: This feature enables you to track products that are sensitive to quantity, such as those that are kept in limited quantities or those that can be allowed to run out. Variable Price: This feature allows you to include prices that may fluctuate. Exclude Kitchen Printing\KDS: This feature allows you to hide products that are not relevant to the kitchen. This helps in avoiding sharing unnecessary information with the kitchen and prevents confusion. *= Required
Vendors: Add Vendor Button: This allows you to add a vendor from the vendor's list. This makes future ordering easy and quick. *= Required
Customize Point o f Sale Button: Upload Product Image: Upload an image for the product. Select Color: Selected the color for the product button and text. *=Required
Online Ordering (Restaurants Only) Fields: Online Product Description: This field can be used to write a description of the product to be sold. It is most commonly used when selling a product online. Used majorly by restaurants Online Ordering Price: Price for ordering the product online. *= Required

Once You are done adding all the fields click on submit and your product should be added.

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